Reward Card Email Coupons

Your local, family-run, independent garden centre, restaurant and shop

Please provide us with your email address below as we have made the move to emailing your Reward Card cash and promotion coupons instead of by post.

If you aren’t currently a Reward Card Member, please sign up in store at the till making sure you provide your email address, unfortunately we can’t sign up customers on the below form or online.  This form is for current Reward Card Members to provide us with their email address if they haven’t already done so, or with an up to date email address.

If you haven’t given us your email address until now, your cash coupon points have continued to accrue until you provided your email address, so you won’t have missed out on any of your cash coupons.  As for your promotion coupons – please ask at the till, as Reward Card members we can give you the current Reward Card promotion coupons to use on the day.  You will receive your cash coupons (that have continued to accrue) on the next available email out since providing your email address.

You can either print out the coupons at home, or show us the coupons on your coupon email on your phone in store, we are able to scan the coupons in both of these ways.

We have made this to decision to move to email coupons rather than the post them, as email will be more reliable, when sending coupons by post we had reports of these going missing in the post, and we had significant numbers returned to us by Royal Mail for various reasons.  It also means that we can send out Reward Card promotions to our valued customers more often in the year than the 2-3 times a year with post outs.

From May 2024, please check your Junk email folder just in case your coupons don’t reach your inbox!

Opening Hours
Garden Centre & Shop
Mon – Sat: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Sunday: 10:30am – 4:30pm
Mon - Sat: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Sunday: 9:30am – 4:00pm